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Sunday, November 23, 2008


Yes, I know I'm in trouble...again. We OCD types tend to get stuck on an idea and run with it and run and run, yeah. This can be good, we get a lot accomplished.

Sometimes, though, it just has to run its course. Good or bad, that's my reality.

Well, this is good, but I'm not sure how long it will run, so bear with me.

I had to get me some more Luther. I think it's because he sang about love and that's a good thing, too.

and some more...

A couple of my friends have voiced concerns regarding this particular obsession. Perhaps I have wandered over to the soft side? Not to worry! Still chugging along on my vampire tale, which includes the obvious plus a serial killer turned vampire and some decidedly otherworldly beasts.
I'm listening to Grimm Tales by Vox Arcana for atmosphere and inspiration. So old school gothy creepy. Ahh, just listen to the children of the night. I'm heading for a Tarot reading, in fact, I may even use my magic mirror tonight. That doesn't mean I won't be listening to Luther, too.
It's all about harmony and balance.

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Nov 24th, 2008 -- The Moon in your sign on Friday can have you howling with delight. You are not in the mood to wait for love but will hunt for it no matter where you have to go. You definitely are not into staying home or doing the same old thing. Just apply a dash of caution to avoid going too far too fast with the wrong person.

Vickie, Your horoscopes for Monday, November 24, 2008
General Weekly Love Horoscope
A sense of optimism from Thursday's New Moon in Sagittarius lifts lovers' spirits and encourages an adventurous spirit. The pursuit of pleasure and romance is fueled with high hopes and a willingness to take risks. The chase should be plenty of fun and worth the effort even for those who don't get everything that they want.

Well, la dee da, it seems I'll be howling even if I'm not running with the pack this winter. There is something to be said for a cozy den. Maybe it's the Luther influence. Maybe it's the vampires.
Quien sabe? It's all good. Perhaps it's also good not to get everything you want. A touch of hunger keeps your senses sharp. Just ask the wolves.

Pic ~ West Coast Victorian, that house is some home!

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