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Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Libra

Libra Horoscopes
(Sep 23 - Oct 22)

Monday, Oct 20th, 2008 -- You are like a duck today, gathering up your friends and co-workers as a mother collects her ducklings. Unfortunately, once you have everyone together, it's still not likely that you'll get them to do what you want, for each seems to have an agenda of his or her own. Instead of trying to herd wild birds, keep your aspirations simple and your conversations one-on-one

See, that was simple. Milestones are cool. Enjoy!

~ Libra: The Scales ~

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Avoiding Hot Water

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Oct 20th, 2008 -- Saying too much could get you into hot water this weekend so think twice before you speak. Learning how to watch and listen adds a great deal to your game and gets you more wins in relationships. Anticipating what someone else desires allows you to act quickly and earn you the affection you want.

Me thinks it's time to keep a low profile. Avoiding hot water seems to be difficult for me at times. I am slowly catching up on my art projects. Work is burning me out, but in a few days I will be far, far away and I won't give it much thought 'til I get back. Meanwhile, I am so grateful for my dear friends and my slightly insane family.

Glad the debates are finished, too. Actions spoke louder than words for the most part.

Watching and listening should be easy this weekend. I'm so tired I will be delighted to just nod and smile...and anticipate. Well, back to work (for now :)

Old Halloween Postcard

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Letting Go of Reality

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Wednesday, Oct 15th, 2008 -- You may want to have more stability in your everyday routines, such as diet, exercise and sleep. But there can be too many distractions these days, making self-discipline even tougher than usual. You may reach a point where it's healthier to let go of control, instead of frustrating yourself by trying to tighten your grip on reality. Tomorrow is another day.

Finally! Mercury is coming out of retrograde. More change to come. My grip on reality is tenuous at best. I can keep it as loose as possible. If it's healthy to let go of control, I say, here's to good health. Let's hear it for tomorrow!

Beautiful new photos added to Perceval Press' slide show. Especially like Robert Whitman's 'Wow!!!!' juxtaposed with Viggo Mortensen's 'Midtjaelland'.

And yes Mr d, I am very fond of orangutans, although I will not travel to Borneo, land of flying snakes, to visit them in their natural habitat.

Here's a little help in letting go of reality. Thanks to the creatively lovely group at Artella for this link.

Illustration from Blake's diary

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Full Moon

Listening to Te Quiero and sipping scotch, I hear crickets still chirping although it's October in New York. Over the beautiful strains of music I also hear the train whistle of the Long Island Rail Road. That melancholy sound is only audible in my apartment under certain meteorological conditions. It must be a clear night. It must be a full moon, or just about full. My windows are open to let the night air circulate. In days gone by, the night air was a threat, a thing to be avoided. Night air is perfume to me. Tonight it is cool and slightly disturbing. The haunting sound of the LIRR whistle moaning in the night brings to mind someone who left this plane ten years ago. Memories are funny things. They twist reality and dreams into a braid that becomes a truth. In fact, I don't value the truth of my memories, just the memories themselves. They become a balm to some old wounds that are slow to heal.

That restlessness overcomes me often, I know it well. My little corner is busy tonight with ambulances, fire trucks and loud voices. Most times it's just part of the background noise, but tonight I hear each individual sound. When my nerves feel frazzled my senses seem more acute, not the best arrangement, but it is what it is. The full moon is tomorrow. It's going to be a beauty, I can feel it in my bones.

shining moon smiles

train train runs along its track

shadows follow me


Vickie's Personal Card:
The High Priestess
This Deck: Cosmic
General Meaning: Traditionally called the High Priestess, this major arcana, or trump, card represents human wisdom. She can be viewed as a kind of female Pope, the ancient Egyptian Priestess of Isis, the even older snake and bird Goddesses, the Greek Goddess Persephone, or the Eve of Genesis before the Fall. For the accused heretics who were burnt at the stake for revering her in the 14th and 15th century, she symbolized the prophecy of the return of the Holy Spirit, which was perceived as the female aspect of the Holy Trinity. In the sequence of cards in the major arcana, the High Priestess appears as soon as the Fool decides he wants to develop his innate powers, making a move toward becoming a Magus. The High Priestess is his first teacher, representing the Inner Life and the method for contacting it, as well as the contemplative study of Nature and the Holy Mysteries

Hmm, just found out my coworker may be starting an early maternity leave as of today.
Her baby is due the end of February. Prayers for her and the baby. No wonder I've been
feeling wonky. For now I'll be doubling up my schedule...help may be on the way. It will all work out the way it's supposed to eventually. It's the full moon, the Hunter Moon, working its' mojo. Oh yeah! All aboard...

Reading ~ Tarot.com ~ Cosmic Tarot Deck
Mystery Train ~ Elvis Presley

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's Enough To Make Your Head Spin

Watching the Presidential Debates is quite an experience. I did use the mute button on more than one occasion and did consume a couple of glasses of wine. My head was spinning before the wine. I'm glad I watched. It was interesting to hear the students' comments after the debate.

Definitely renews my faith in the future.

Talking Heads Spinner ~ AlphaStamps Swap

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Switching Universes

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Sunday, Oct 5th, 2008 -- You might not understand what's happening because forces are at work that are coming from other worlds. It's crazy to think that parallel universes are breaking into this dimension with urgent messages for you, but don't dismiss this idea, even if it's beyond your current belief. It's better to entertain all possibilities now, rather than limiting yourself to a specific outcome.

Sagittarius Love Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
For the Week of Oct 6th, 2008 -- Your tendency to be straightforward could bump you off the road of love this weekend. Tone it down and temper your comments during this hyper-sensitive period of time. Being playful can pay off if you match it with tenderness rather than permitting teasing to get out of hand. Kindness counts more than ever

Parallel universes...hmmm...string theory...Dark Shadows featured parallel universes. Dan Curtis knew a thing or two about the universe. Who am I to question quantum physics and Dan Curtis? Now, about getting bumped off the road of love. Which universe am I in when that happens? I did have a dream last night about being at a standstill on a highway I didn't recognize. Wow, I hope it wasn't the road of love. In the dream, I got out and walked. I'm not too good at standing still for too long. Does this mean I'll be strolling down the road of love?

That's fine with me. Whenever I travel too fast along that highway I end up crashing, so slowing down a bit might just work. You know, more time to enjoy the scenery and some good conversation. Must remember to tone down my comments. Oh, the bane of bluntness (is that a word?)! It will be in my alternate universe. In this universe I'm gathering my art supplies and other sundries for Mexico. The timing is wonderful. A break from the current insanity is most welcome. In three weeks I'll be in Oaxaca!

On my flight back to New York I'll be working on my next vampire tale, another November Nanowrimo project. I love, love, love writing for Nanowrimo...I just give myself permission to go for it. Solid writing for the month. Goal is 50,000 words. Yes, I do have to work to keep a roof over my head. My notebook comes with me. More vampires, some old, some new, all fun...in their own creepy way.

Deviant Moon Tarot ~ Patrick Valenza One of my favorite alternate universes