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Sunday, September 7, 2008

There's Magic In The Air

General Weekly Love Horoscope
There's magic in the air this week as astrology's lovers, Venus and Mars, join each other in the relationship sign Libra on Thursday. This can be a perfect set-up for the weekend as it increases the chances of meeting someone new or reviving romance in a current partnership. Don't be pushy, though, because the Moon's in Aquarius where freedom is as important as intimacy.

Magic, mmmmm. There's magic everywhere. Some say it doesn't exist, but most of us know better. Serendipity, coincidence or chance occurrences happen every day. Most of the time we are not paying much attention. The universe is speaking to you. It starts as a whisper. Next, it gets conversational. Now, if you're not listening, it ups the volume to shouting or screaming. You may even have dreams where the message surreally appears. When you awaken you just can't shake that feeling. If you choose not to take action at this point, the universe usually pulls the rug out from under you and it's free fall time. Did you ever feel your world start to crumble?

Hello, hello, it's the universe calling.

There are those who say they can see into the future. I think we all have that magical ability, but that gets a little scary. So, we ignore the little voice. We shake our head when a certain song plays on the radio or blares from a car rolling down the street. No way. You think about a friend and the phone rings. Guess who? These are minute things in a busy day, but it behooves you to pay attention.

We live in a magical realm. Each day is a miracle. Extraordinary events occur on a daily basis.

Why don't we pay more attention to them? After all, true magic isn't about the illusions, it's about appreciating the extraordinary life we have. Abracadabra!

still autumn evening
moon rising cat fence sitting
listen to the night

Poe's Pet ~ Halloween ATC Paper Doll

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