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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Don't Tread On Me

General Weekly Love Horoscope
Get serious during the week to set the stage for play on the weekend. Venus, the love planet, joins no-nonsense Saturn on Wednesday, which can take the air out of romantic balloons. Be straightforward, but kind, to build trust within a relationship. On Saturday, Venus cuddles with generous Jupiter, spurring a spirit of joy and adventure that opens minds and warms hearts.

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Next Week
For the Week of Aug 11th, 2008 -- You might feel that you are being picked on or under appreciated. Listen to what a trusted person has to say this weekend, but don't accept scolding from anyone. Helpful advice is fine, but unrelenting criticism can be damaging to your self-esteem. Seek the company of a non-judgmental person to get a break.

Everyone needs a break once in a while. I'm listening to The Chieftan's Long Black Veil, one of my favorite CD's. My home is filled with roses of every hue~pink, lavender, peach and red.

Every room has the sight and scent of rose. My sweet guzu sent watermelon Kit Kats all the way from Japan (big thank you, Andrea!) along with a treasure trove of red goodies. The tiny red origami crane is divine. The Art for Peace ATC's are on their journey to become magnetized.

Strange, but there has been a hell of a lot of unrelenting criticism this week and it's only Tuesday. The roses and Japanese Kit Kats help soothe and comfort, but I think my self-esteem is just fine. What is it with the cranky pants? The only thing I'm cranking out is some fun haiku over at Nervousness and another version of the battle scene for my beloved vampires.

Just can't decide which version I want to use. Not a bad dilemma at all.

Here's a couple of haiku. As you can tell, I couldn't decide which one I wanted to use, heh.


soft wheat colored grass

crunches beneath my bare feet

gray rainclouds gather

gray rainclouds gather

their promise stays unfulfilled

no tears nor rain fall

Art For Peace ATC's ~ vt Sharpies, ummm fumes :)

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