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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Solstice 2008

Here's a link to Newgrange Winter Solstice 2008, a 5000 year old neolithic monument, restored in the 1960's and 70's. It's quite beautiful, a true spiritual experience.

A blessed Winter Solstice to all.

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Dec 22nd, 2008 -- A little self-restraint can make the difference between looking cool and attracting romance or feeling foolish and being frustrated. Passion is a great thing, Saggie, but when it's held back now you become much more interesting. Rather than rushing ahead, it's holding back that will draw the right person to you.

Well, I guess those blinking Christmas light earrings are out. That's all right, I can be demure and quite sophisticated when I'm in the mood. Let those cards fall where they may.

I can't help thinking of Juan when I watch this :)
Do you see the zig-zag lightening pattern in the corner of the photo? Looks like Mitla.
thanks to tarot.com for the sage advice

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