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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend Today

I had fun with this website http://www.festisite.com/cardgame/

You can be king or queen for the day.

Sagittarius Horoscopes
Next Week
For the Week of Dec 29th, 2008 -- You may be uncharacteristically shy and private on Friday. If you need some time away from other people you should take it. On Saturday, though, the Moon fires into your 5th House of Romance and you will be ready to play. You need someone willing to have fun since serious people are bound to leave you cold.

General Weekly Love Horoscope
The love planet Venus shifts from the intellectually idealistic domain of Aquarius to the dreamy and emotional realm of Pisces on Saturday. The way to intimacy will no longer pass by the head but is direct through the heart. Be gentle with the object of your affection and take the time to let romance simmer slowly instead of rushing it or relying on strategy to make the magic happen.

Serious people don't leave me cold. Some of my best friends are serious. My very best friend is a Capricorn, for Pete's sake! However, she did turn over a new leaf and is beginning to relax and enjoy herself more often. If it wasn't for Helen, I don't think I'd be heading for Oaxaca in the fall, but we BOTH are going! Heaven help the locals. A born-to-fun-again Capricorn and an unrepentant Sagittarius are going south of the border for deMeng de los Muertos 2009.
Yeee hah!! I have started my pyramid conditioning program, Rodney Yee's 'Burn Yoga', resistance (where the heck are my weights) and, yuk, recumbent bike riding. I just get up and do it. If I wait I'm doomed to procrastination, I just won't. I think I just need a more serious approach to this program. Who better than a serious person could prod me into compliance with myself? I need serious people in my life. They give me balance, which is not easy. There is a klutz side to me, believe it or not. No, serious people do not leave me cold. I have a warm spot in my heart for the serious people in my life. Believe me, I know a lot of Capricorns, and those Libras, let me tell you. A sense of humor is a godsend, but sometimes you need to get serious.

Sam Levenson said, "Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it."*

Leslie over at AlphaStamps is having fantastic give-aways this week.
It would behoove you to take a peek!

*quote from today's Writer's Almanac
Horoscopes from tarot.com
Thanks again to Artella for the cool link :)
84' in Oaxaca today!

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