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Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Territory

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week

For the Week of Apr 27th, 2009 -- You love exploring new territory, Sagittarius, and the Moon in your 9th House of Faraway Places makes it even more alluring this weekend. Seek out people and events from different cultures to fill your heart with joy. When you stretch your boundaries you light up with a smile that makes others want to be around you.

W00T!! Stretching boundaries is so enjoyable. There may be that little tingle of anxiety, perhaps a tiny thrill of danger. Well, if you don't test yourself how will you have any fun? How will you continue to grow if you don't step out of the box once in a while? As for me, I don't know where I'm going but I'm going.
It's almost baby time and the surrogate nesting instinct has me tossing things out and bringing softer things in their place. Babies are magical beings. They set you on a new path, one I've walked before as a parent. The mindset changes, the boundaries stretch. This is life. The Wheel of Fortune turned up in my tarot reading this morning reminding me that nothing is static. Even when you think you're standing still, perhaps to catch your breath, things keep changing around you.
My mom sent a little note saying she is looking forward to being back in the neighborhood although she will miss the wine hour with my brother and his wife.
My daughter is excited by the prospect of having her daughter's great-grandmother closer to home. Round and round we go. Isn't it grand?

Mother & Daughter~altered~ Outsider Artists xoxo
Weather in NYC ~ 92' and sunny Hah!

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