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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Switching Universes

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Sunday, Oct 5th, 2008 -- You might not understand what's happening because forces are at work that are coming from other worlds. It's crazy to think that parallel universes are breaking into this dimension with urgent messages for you, but don't dismiss this idea, even if it's beyond your current belief. It's better to entertain all possibilities now, rather than limiting yourself to a specific outcome.

Sagittarius Love Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
For the Week of Oct 6th, 2008 -- Your tendency to be straightforward could bump you off the road of love this weekend. Tone it down and temper your comments during this hyper-sensitive period of time. Being playful can pay off if you match it with tenderness rather than permitting teasing to get out of hand. Kindness counts more than ever

Parallel universes...hmmm...string theory...Dark Shadows featured parallel universes. Dan Curtis knew a thing or two about the universe. Who am I to question quantum physics and Dan Curtis? Now, about getting bumped off the road of love. Which universe am I in when that happens? I did have a dream last night about being at a standstill on a highway I didn't recognize. Wow, I hope it wasn't the road of love. In the dream, I got out and walked. I'm not too good at standing still for too long. Does this mean I'll be strolling down the road of love?

That's fine with me. Whenever I travel too fast along that highway I end up crashing, so slowing down a bit might just work. You know, more time to enjoy the scenery and some good conversation. Must remember to tone down my comments. Oh, the bane of bluntness (is that a word?)! It will be in my alternate universe. In this universe I'm gathering my art supplies and other sundries for Mexico. The timing is wonderful. A break from the current insanity is most welcome. In three weeks I'll be in Oaxaca!

On my flight back to New York I'll be working on my next vampire tale, another November Nanowrimo project. I love, love, love writing for Nanowrimo...I just give myself permission to go for it. Solid writing for the month. Goal is 50,000 words. Yes, I do have to work to keep a roof over my head. My notebook comes with me. More vampires, some old, some new, all fun...in their own creepy way.

Deviant Moon Tarot ~ Patrick Valenza One of my favorite alternate universes

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