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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Meandering Home From Oaxaca

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Nov 9th, 2009 -- You are uncharacteristically shy this weekend or, at least, less open with people you don't know very well. Seeking the safety of close friends allows you to socialize without the pressure to impress anyone. Escaping to a quiet place with a sensitive individual allows you to show your vulnerability, which will only make you even more desirable.

A quiet place sounds lovely! Vacations are great. All that eating, drinking and making merry is good for the soul. Oaxaca is a magical place, especially during Dia de los Muertos. Spirituality combined with fiesta equals the best of both worlds. Homecoming is welcome though. It was good to have a bit of time to wind down and get back in the groove, hopefully, not the rut.
Things seem calm here at the moment, but I sense it's that before the storm deal. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. The holidays, or horrordays as a friend of mine describes them, are looming on the horizon. The Floridians will be here for Thanksgiving. It will be wonderful to see them again!
This will be the first Christmas I spend away from my daughter since she was born. It will seem odd, but life can get much stranger than that. This has been a year of letting go. Some say that makes room for more in your life. I'll get back to you on that one.
Mitla Cemetery~Dia de los Muertos~Oaxaca 2009

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