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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Pluto Direct

He's baaack! Pluto has been retrograde for the past five months. Today he's on the direct path.

This brings secrets to the light. Hidden motives or misdeeds will float to the surface of your cosmic pond. That little light that shines will expose those naughty things swept under the rug.

The candle in the window will illuminate that dark corner where unfinished business is piling up to the ceiling.

All this psychic detritus has been accumulating, just waiting for Pluto's return. This is a great time for new starts, getting the project off the ground or cleaning house, be that physical or emotional. This is the time to look in the mirror and get honest with yourself. Despite old Mercury's backward motion, Pluto will help you see that light at the end of the tunnel. After all, he lives in that tunnel and knows all the in's and out's. Now's the time he's feeling generous. He will share some of his knowledge and let you in on solutions for illusions.

All you need do is open your eyes and see. Pull the veil of excuses from your weary head. It's way to heavy to wear these days. Feeling overwhelmed? That's all right. Now take a deep breath and let it out. Ok, one more breath. Now, things don't look that bad, right. Pluto, smirking from the underworld, is on your side today. Dig in and start sorting or writing or whatever it is you've been 'waiting for later' to do. You will find, despite Mercury's best efforts, you will move forward. It's true, we may have to go to some dark dark places. Only a glimmer of flickering light guides us at first.

Then, as we plod along the path the light becomes brighter, more steady. There are less brambles and gnarly roots to trip us and make us stumble. Or are they just easier to avoid because our eyes are truly open this time around? It's still difficult to see the end of the path. There are quite a few twists and turns yet to come. Hey, that's what makes this journey interesting. Pluto may actually be smiling at this point. You've come a long way, baby! You know how it is on the road less traveled.

You may be a bit muddied. Perhaps a bruise and a few scratches here and there. It comes with the territory of exploring your options. There is a time for rest and a time to persevere and continue even when you ache. You will accomplish amazing things this time. I hear Pluto is feeling very generous to those who compete in his version of a reality show. You will find rewards beyond measure. They come from your heart and soul.

Stay tuned for the next episode of The Dark Tunnel produced by the Lord of the Underworld. It's sure to be spellbinding.

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