Stopped by the Silver Moon diner last night. Sat in my favorite booth so I could watch the Q46 disgorge her passengers and continue the roll down Union Turnpike to Kew Gardens. That's the beginning of the line. The Silver Moon is the end of the line. This is true in more than one way. When we were kids the urban legend of the neighborhood was that all the escapees from Creedmore, the state mental hospital in the area, would board the Q46 after climbing down the bedsheets and ride it to the last stop. If they headed west it was Kew Gardens and the NYC subway station, their subterranean escape route. If they mistakenly headed east they would ride to the last stop, the Silver Moon diner. We did have a few Creedmorians back in the day. One gentleman removed all his clothes because he was certain he could fly without their encumbrance. What he did accomplish was having Mrs. Licausi seventy-five year old mother take flight after encountering his naked self in her backyard while she was hanging laundry. She attended mass on a daily basis after that incident, convinced the devil incarnate had tried to drag her to the bowels of hell. Nature boy was so shocked by her screams he willingly returned to Creedmore telling the police she was a very scary woman. It's all relative.
I'm sure this took place while Mercury was traveling retrograde. Many misunderstandings occur during this astrological time frame. Usually Mercury is retrograde three times a year. This year it happens four times. I'm not surprised. It's been quite the upside down year.
I just bumped into one of the neighborhood bikers. Well, not literally. He's back in town early proclaiming summer to be done. The boys are thinking of wintering in Florida after the hurricane season. Maybe they're getting older. I didn't bring that subject up during the conversation. In fact, I try not to bring that subject up at any time these days. With Mercury retrograde no good would come of it.
Even my horoscope for next week contains a warning I intend to heed.
Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Sep 7th, 2009 -- You love adventure and freedom, and you may get a bit of both on Friday. But then it's time to pack up the toys, put away your big dreams and settle down into a cozier and quieter scene for the rest of the weekend. Be careful about what you say to a sensitive person since a careless word or two can trigger a relationship explosion.
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Sep 7th, 2009 -- You love adventure and freedom, and you may get a bit of both on Friday. But then it's time to pack up the toys, put away your big dreams and settle down into a cozier and quieter scene for the rest of the weekend. Be careful about what you say to a sensitive person since a careless word or two can trigger a relationship explosion.
Fair warning about careless words. Mercury goes retrograde again tomorrow. That can lead to communication snafus. I don't even need Mercury's assistance to do that, although this can put salt in any wound I inadvertently inflict. My awareness is raised, my radar activated. Woe to the unsuspecting sensitive people I know.
Saturday I will be with family and friends celebrating my sister(in-law's) birthday. I will be very discreet. Really ;) It will be good to see everyone again. Here's hoping we all feel that way after the festivities. Oh Mercury, you old trickster!
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