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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Generous Heart

Elliot is sitting on my lap, purring and head-butting the lap top. That is his way of showing affection, although the head-butting does get him in trouble on occasion. He stops, momentarily distracted by a cardinal's call, but resumes his ritual. The cardinal, oblivious to the cat and the human this side of the window, continues his song to his lady. His scarlet feathers puffed out at his throat, black cap shining in the early morning sun, all seems well in his world. It's a heartfelt serenade and soon there is a smaller female cardinal next to him. Her feather colors are more subdued, but she certainly has our boy's attention. When you let the song in your heart fly good things can happen. Then again, there are no guarantees. Sometimes you open your heart and another reaches in and scoops out some love, leaving nothing in exchange. Some people are expert at taking, but haven't quite gotten the knack of giving. This is not necessarily a malicious intent. Maybe it's how their brain is wired. Maybe the connection to the heart short circuited.

If this happens to you, if your heart gets scooped and you find it feels a little empty, don't be too concerned. Hearts have an amazing capacity for regeneration. It may take some time or it may happen overnight. If you are blessed with a generous heart you will find the joy of giving far outweighs the occasional scooping deficit. Live and learn. The generous heart seems to overflow, so sharing and giving of itself is almost a survival instinct...almost like breathing. The generous heart seems fragile to those who don't have one. They caution against giving too much or trusting the wrong people or thinking with your heart, not your head. Well, this is advice to take into consideration, but the generous heart knows these things...and still shares the love.

So, maybe a big box of heart band-aides is in the medicine cabinet. That's okay. If you are really living life you are bound to get a few bumps and bruises along the road. That generous heart may look like its been through a war, but it is the most beautiful heart imaginable. It can see the negative in you, but it focuses on the positive. Others may have given up on you, but this heart knows that you are capable of getting back on track. This generous heart is in your cheering section at all times. This heart will not lie, but will deliver the truth with kindness and compassion. This heart accepts who you are, takes you for you and does not judge.

As you may have guessed, generous hearts are a rare breed. They may even be on the endangered hearts list. If you are fortunate enough to have one touch your heart, sing Hallelujah! Sing it loud and sing it from your soul. They will change your life. Once touched by a generous heart an amazing transformation occurs. Your heart learns what it means to truly give with no heartstrings attached. It is liberating and a blessing beyond words.

heart sketch for shrine based on david olney's beautiful 'if my eyes were blind'

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