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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Luther and the New Moon

General Weekly Love Horoscope
A New Moon in mystical Pisces casts a magical spell on love this week. Dreams and fantasies are stirred and can provoke foolish behavior or lead you to the promised land of romance. Aim as high as you can but keep your feet planted on the ground to anchor your relationship goals in a solid foundation that can make them real

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Feb 23rd, 2009 -- This weekend is your time to play, Sagittarius, because the Moon enters your 5th House of Romance. Put aside your responsibilities and indulge yourself in the pursuit of your heart's desires. This isn't about commitment; it's an opportunity to have such a great time that your grown-up concerns fade into the background.

My feet are firmly planted. The new moon on Tuesday is in Pisces, a most intuitive and compassionate sign. New moons are for making wishes. Not the wish upon a star kind of wish, but the putting out to the universe wish. It's a time to expand your connection to a higher power.

You know, focus, put it out there...go for it.

I guess I get a little break, a weekend to play.

I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends. We kind of fell off each other's radar, but with that crazy six degrees of separation thing, we are drawn together again. Pulling together a yummy paella for the occasion. I just found out that my little friend from Chile, Angie, whom I worked with for six years, married my sister-in-law's cousin's son. I think that's six degrees! That is so cool. We're practically sisters :) my sweet ghostbuster.

Things were getting a bit tense again, so I found a dreamy Luther Vandross selection to soothe my savage beast. That and a vodka tonic and an evening watching From Dusk to Dawn. I've been working with my own vampires, but they need more attention. You don't want to be around cranky vampires any time of the day.


Now the ashen shadows mingle,
tints faded, sounds remote.
Life has dwindled to a single
vague reverberating note.
In the dusk I hear the humming
of a moth I cannot see.
Whence is this oppression coming?
I'm in all, and all's in me.

Gloom so dreamy, so lulling,
flow into my deepest deep,
flow, ambrosial and dulling,
steeping everything in sleep.
With oblivion's obscuration
fill my senses to the brim,

make me taste obliteration,
in this dimness let me dim.

—Fyodor Tyutchev (translated by Vladimir Nabokov)


The Tower has come up again in my tarot readings, not unexpectedly. On it's own, it can signify destruction and despair, but in context it is right on the money for me. Many aspects of my life changed forever rather quickly recently. My brain and soul are adjusting, it just takes some time. At this point I often feel as though I'm on the outside looking in, like a movie. The Tower makes it's appearance when drastic change is happening, so I'm hanging on for the ride. It's weird, but it could be worse.

Happy bd senor d
Dusk ~ Perceval Press, you made me weep today or the state of the world did.
Who is the better hater? Love will conquer all.

Mothra destroying all of Japan...aaaaaeeeeeeaaa!!!!!!
Oaxaca weather ~ 82' and clear

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