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Sunday, February 8, 2009

One Is Not The Loneliest Number

Sagittarius Horoscopes
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Next Week
For the Week of Feb 9th, 2009 -- Going out with friends or colleagues could be your key to social success on Friday, yet the rest of the weekend is quite different. You may connect with a very private person who requires discretion to feel safe with you. Or, you might just sit things out to enjoy some quiet time alone instead of pushing ahead in relationships

General Weekly Love Horoscope
Love is in the air this weekend with the Moon in partnership-friendly Libra on Friday and sexy Scorpio on Saturday and Sunday. It's important, though, to keep an open mind when you're closing in on your romantic prey since stimulating conversation and fresh ideas can be as attractive as smooth moves and good looks now.

Closing in on my romantic prey? Now, it's true, some one did describe me as a 'lion, a freakin' lion' this past week. It was not a romantic relationship. I was provoked and responded in kind :) MeowooooooowGrrrrrrr!

In fact, I admire lions. I'm just not on the prowl. Sitting things out enjoying quiet time would be heavenly, but, alas, not in my immediate future.

Today was one of those gift days you get during the winter. It dawned wrapped in sunshine and tied with ribbons of blue sky and gentle winds. My poor little goth garden, resting dormant and quietly regenerating, was quite a mess of old leaves and fallen rose branches. Although apropos to its namesake, I decided to clear it of some debris. Still waiting for the kiss of spring like Sleeping Beauty, it lies beneath soft hay, not brambles. Soon hellebores will peek out, waiting for the violet crocus. We have a lot more winter according to the groundhog. The sneak preview was glorious.

Wars rage, politicians pontificate but it is never business as usual. Let us work together for a change for the good of the world.


At morn--at noon--at twilight dim

Maria! thou hast heard my hymn!

In joy and woe--in good and ill--

Mother of God, be with me still!

When the Hours flew brightly by

And not a cloud obscured the sky,

My soul, lest it should truant be,

Thy grace did guide to thine and thee

Now, when storms of Fate o'ercast

Darkly, my Present and my Past

Let my Future radiant shine

With sweet hopes of thee and thine.

Edgar Allan Poe

Yes, they are panthers, I didn't have lions or hellebores :)
Lunar eclipse manana, can you tell?

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